Monday, April 7, 2008

Food, corn, and money

There's talk about food prices, these days.

They've gone up a bit, haven't they?

I hear some blame is being placed on the ethanol bandwagon and I have no doubt this is a cause. Corporate-owned farmers will plant what will bring in the most money and screw the rest of the planet. This is why some California farmers are selling their water at exorbitant prices instead of growing crops.

But don't let me go there. It's not good for my blood pressure.

So why is the price of corn (the base crop for ethanol) making ALL the food prices go up? If you said, "because corn is in nearly everything we eat" you get a prize!

If you eat processed foods, meaning nearly anything you buy from a store like Safeway, Ralph's, or Wal-mart, you are eating corn. And if you think this is healthy - it's not.

The only way to avoid so much corn, is to buy grass-fed meat, organic, free-range eggs, organic, local produce, organic grains, and do all your own cooking.

If you buy a can of something, it's more than likely got corn in it. It's possible, I suppose, that the organic version of beans or tomatoes or chicken broth, won't have corn in it. But the regular stuff will. Even your milk will give you corn, because that's what they stuff into the cow's feed. So you need to buy organic milk from cows that eat grass.

I almost laughed this morning when I read the article in the Contra Costa Times about food prices. The industry is using corn as an excuse! These are the same people who will never, under normal circumstances, admit that corn is in everything they make. But now they are forced to confess, because people are demanding to know why food is getting so expensive.

Yes, I know. The Real Food has always been more expensive, which is why so many people don't eat it. So now, the Fake Food is catching up with Real Food in price. Real Food doesn't need to raise its price because nothing has changed.

Now which one are you going to eat?

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