Sunday, December 21, 2008

Baking Bread

I love bread, and making my own is still a big thrill. I try to do it as often as possible. I like knowing exactly what's in my bread, and I like knowing there are just a few ingredients there. I don't mind kneading, either.

My ongoing problem with bread is getting the loaf to rise to the right height. My bread always ends up just a few inches high. Considering that our bread is used mostly for sandwiches, this is a drawback.

I can't say that this method has solved that problem, but I found a great idea in a recent copy of Mother Earth News. The idea is to make a big batch of dough and let it sit in the frig until you're ready to tear off a chunk and bake it. The dough doesn't require kneading, and it keeps for at least a couple of weeks. I made the whole wheat version and I'm sold. This is great bread!

I'm experimenting with pan sizes and the amount of dough to use. The second loaf I made rose a bit higher than the first, but I used more dough. Next time I'll use more dough and a smaller pan. I really want a 6 inch high sandwich loaf!

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