Saturday, August 8, 2009

Food Chores

Today I made pesto, and roasted a bunch of sweet peppers. I'll use a few of the peppers tonight with potatoes, red onions, and the pesto. Sort of like a pizza without the crust (to save me the calories). I put the rest of the peppers in a jar and covered them with olive oil. Just have to make sure I use them up in a few weeks.

I also cleaned out my freezer since tomorrow we get the 1/7 of a hog I ordered back in April. I don't know why it took so long, but I can't wait to see what I get. And what I do with it all.

What did I take out of the freezer? Vegetables. I usually compost the leavings when I cut veggies for dinner, but a few times I stored everything in plastic bags, with the idea that I'd make broth one day. But we just don't use broth that often. I have a bunch already made up and frozen. Since I need the freezer space, I just gave up and composted everything.

So yay. I've done the weekly CSA box catch-up. Now I just need to go grocery shopping...

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