Thursday, February 14, 2008

Leftovers and Veggies

I've been looking for recipes to use up my CSA veggie box. We're going to be gone for a few days and I want to be sure everything gets used. Must not waste the fresh veggies!

The cabbage has been here a week, so today is its day. I'm going to simmer it in tomatoes with some leftover cooked ground beef, along with garlic and basil. A sprinkle of parmesan should go nicely with that. I have some chard that has also been around a while. Hmmm. Do you think I can add the chard to the cabbage and beef? I bet it works!

When we get back, I'll bake the leeks in a bit of cheese sauce and we'll see if I can resist adding a breadcrumb/butter topping. Just a sprinkle? Please?

That leaves lots of bok choy, more chard, and a butternut squash. I have a marvelous recipe for Hot 'n Sour Soup that will use the bok choy and the chard, as well as the some of the leftover chicken and chicken broth in my freezer. That sounds like a winner.

Butternut squash needs no excuse. I might just bake it and eat it for lunch!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

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