Thursday, January 24, 2008


After feeling blah all day, I've managed to recover. Not soon enough to save the day, but I have gotten a couple of things done.

I wrote a little in the novel (as apposed to opening the document and staring at the screen), I MADE DINNER, started a sauce, and I fed the dog. Don't snicker. That's important.

I'm not a citrus person, in general. I like margaritas when they are made with real limes and I like lime in my gin. That about takes care of it. I don't go searching out oranges to eat and I don't drink orange juice. It burns my mouth. Now, I can eat the hottest jalapenos around and not have a problem. But don't make me drink orange juice.

All that to say that a bag of oranges and tangerines came in my newly joined CSA vegetable box, this week. I'm not complaining, mind. I know when I join a CSA that you get what you get. That's part of the fun.

But I knew we wouldn't eat them. My husband drinks orange juice, but he likes the frozen-in-a-can-pulp-free-concentrate and he doesn't like the other stuff. The Real Thing, you know. That's okay, he's made a lot of changes since coming across my path and he's sweet.

What do to with the bag of citrus? I don't work in an office so I can't foist them off on colleagues. Rick's office already has a standing fruit order.

Well.... I made a sauce. Tossed 'em in a pot with a little maple syrup, cinnamon and cloves. Oh yeah, and a little brandy. Just 'cause. I let it all simmer for a while and now, it's cooling in jars. It will go great with a roast chicken or even on pancakes.

What do you do with extra oranges?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Extra oranges huh? Try them in your margaritas, it will be a great addition, but shouldn't be too overwhelming if you squeeze half an orange for every two margaritas.