Saturday, September 29, 2007

Meat Recall

21.7 million pounds of meat?

My stars and whistles, people, what are we doing to ourselves? Is it really necessary for one company to produce that much meat and send it all over the country? Why can't we have smaller, localized processing plants that handle the meat from a few ranches? I don't how many ranches would be necessary to make a profit, but I don't think we need one company doing this much.

We're asking for trouble. No - we're begging for it.

So if you have this meat, dispose of it like they've instructed. Then run to your nearest farmer's market or Slow Food connivium and ask them to help you find pasture-raised local meat. Or go to and search for meat by your zipcode.

STOP buying meat at the usual grocery stores. Insist that your meat not be raised in a feedlot and fed on corn, soy, and the parts of other animals.

Don't depend on the USDA. You are the only one who can make sure the food in your house is safe food.

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